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Healing | Movement | Lifestyle

Jessica Valentín supports women through the seasons of their lives with holistic movement and wellness guidance


Healing | Movement | Lifestyle

Jessica Valentín supports women through the seasons of their lives with holistic movement and wellness guidance




teacher | healer | dancer | learner


My biggest dream is to have a profound impact on the way people choose to live their lives while here on this earth.

I am on a mission to empower women through movement;

A movement to create an accessible dance between ancient wisdoms and modern methodologies. 

I have a passion for moving, creating, educating, and thriving.

My medium is movement.

I believe in the power of purpose.

Nature is my muse and my spirit feels at home in the wild.

I am here to lead by example and inspire others to do the same.



teacher | healer | dancer | learner


My biggest dream is to have a profound impact on the way people choose to live their lives while here on this earth.

I am on a mission to empower women through movement;

A movement to create an accessible dance between ancient wisdoms and modern methodologies. 

I have a passion for moving, creating, educating, and thriving.

My medium is movement.

I believe in the power of purpose.

Nature is my muse and my spirit feels at home in the wild.

I am here to lead by example and inspire others to do the same.





Jessica VALENTÍN | Columbia River gorge

+1 757.619.9008     connect@luminousarchitecture.com

Let's connect, shall we? Who are you & how can I be of service to your well-being?


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