Full Moon No. 34, Winter


A fresh Black Bear track found deep in the Wallowas this past fall
“You are not rewarded for the comfortable choice."

Aubrey Marcus
Hey there!

I have a lot of exciting movement + wellness offering updates to share, but I don't feel like any of them are nearly as important as the message in this video that I'm sharing with you today.

I witness, day in and day out, the great divide that is tearing this country apart. I'm personally sick of being pulled into the "us vs. them" mentality that is rampant in America. And I know some of you reading this letter are feeling the same way. This isn't political, this is cultural...and I want to foster and support a culture of wellbeing. Hating on those who I disagree with isn't a part of that agenda for me. So my most pressing holistic wellness topic on this full moon is to pose the question:


are you going to join the revolution of solidarity?

May you rise to occasion.

Luminous love,
Social Dis-DANCE-ing is this Friday!

Friday Jan. 29th 4pm - 4:30pm PT // pay what you can

This 30 minute cardio movement class combines your own dance moves with guided functional fitness bodyweight exercises. The playlist changes every month, complete with all the best dance jams - you'll be having so much fun you won't even realize you're working out. Turn up the volume and let’s groove, sweat, and smile together. Open to all levels, leave your inhibitions behind and bring your best dance moves.

I'll see you on the virtual dance floor!

dance with me
I'm attending this FREE online Detox Summit in February - join me!

The DIY Detox Summit will help you understand how to detox the environment of your home, foods that help your liver naturally detox, recommended supplements to assist with detoxification, DIY detox techniques and lifestyle habits, how to add essential oils to your daily routines, how to support your brain health, gut and nervous system and more!

Register for the summit & receive your FREE 5-Day DIY Detox eGuide


FEBRUARY // core


Join me in February for a month of core centered movement.

In the Celtic Wheel of the Year, Imbolc marks the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, which falls on February 3rd this year. Imbolc means "in the belly" - we will honor this time of rebirth as Spring begins to show sign of new life by awakening our own internal fires of the core body, physically and energetically.

become a member


Tantalize your senses...

with limited edition Luminous Elixirs Lover's blends.

Lover's Essence is a spicy + sweet rollerball blend, designed for kindling warmth and aligning yourself with the spirit of love.

Lover's Whip is a warming + spicy sweet body butter that will nourish your skin and your heart. 

enter the apothecary
Stay luminous!
This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2021 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.

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