November // New Moon Edition

L U M E N  L E T T E R S

Photography: Kitfox Valentín

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”
Brené Brown

Hello luminous beings!

I hope you're shining extra bright during these dark times as we descend deeper into the season of early dimming daylight.

Here's somethin' to lighten things up -

Luminous Architecture Holiday Promotions

Integrative Healing Sessions are buy 1, get 1 half off through December 31st

Give a gift, get a gift - Give both sessions - Receive both sessions

How you choose to use this bundle of healing is completely up to you!

Connect with me for details and pricing

Just because we can’t see something, doesn’t mean it’s not there. And just because science hasn’t been able to fully understand something, doesn’t mean it’s not possible, real, or able to be quantified and validated in the years to come. So when I came across this article about the “impossible” EM drive engine that produces energy from nothing, my heart gave a little flutter of excitement.
It’s in our human nature to want to have it all figured out. News flash: that will never happen. We live in a dynamic, ever-evolving universe. Science is just what we’ve been able to theorize and measure up until this present moment in time. Who knows what’s to come next and why should we pretend like we know with absolute certainty? A poignant piece of this article states that this phenomenon “violates some of the most fundamental laws of physics that our understanding of the universe — and all of our technology — is built upon.” Furthermore, when a prominent scientist in the field follows up this statement by saying, “But it’s still breaking the law of conservation of momentum — which is something we’d really like to keep as it’s the basis of some really important bits of science and technology,” this highlighted just how stuck in our ways we can be, for lack of inconvenience. Nope, let’s just keep with our old ways even though we’re discovering something that challenges those ideas completely. Oh, silly humans! Blinders may keep us “comfortable” but they also keep us rooted in a disillusioned reality.

Is bone broth the new green juice? Looks like our great-grandmothers knew what they were doing! This age-old elixir is making a trendy comeback, with places like Brodo popping up around NYC neighborhoods and various companies specializing in bone broth products ready to ship worldwide. While it’s great that these shops and products exist for convenience, it is most definitely more cost effective to brew your own and actually quite simple, especially if you have a crockpot. I also personally enjoy brewin’ up each batch, as I find it more nourishing when hand-crafted with love in my own kitchen, not just for my body, but also for my spirit.
Maybe you’re like me and have been brewing your own broth for a while now, or perhaps you’re hearing about the potent health benefits of this ridiculously easy to make concoction for the first time. Either way, here’s the low down on bone broth benefits, followed up by a basic recipe to get ya goin’. You can tweak the recipe and experiment with broths by adding various herbs and spices, making each batch unique in flavor. I’ve kept it fairly simple lately, but for my next batch, I’m going to play with fresh garlic, along with rosemary and sage picked fresh from the plants I purchased from Scarborough Fields and Flowers stand at the Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket.
Happy brewin’ to ya!


Emptying Your Cup: A Zen Parable
One day, a well-known professor came to a famous Zen master and asked to be instructed in the teachings of Zen Buddhism. The master invited him to sit and proceeded to discuss the important aspects of Zen. “First let’s understand the idea of emptiness,” said the master. But the professor said, “I already know about emptiness.” Then the master said, “Let us then begin with the principles of meditation.” But the professor said, “I already know about meditation.” So the master suggested a cup of tea. When the tea was ready, the master poured the tea into the professor’s cup. When the cup was full, the master continued pouring tea, until the tea was overflowing. “Stop!” shouted the professor. “You can’t pour tea into a full cup!” The master said, “That’s right – go away and come back when your cup is empty.”
TaraMarie Perri, one of my wise teachers and the director of Mind Body Dancer®, shared this Zen parable with our sangha during the first day of our yoga teacher training and it's something that has stuck with me ever since. We cannot learn and integrate new information and experiences if our "cup" is full. The idea of taking in and giving out, inhaling and exhaling, filling and emptying. Existing on one end of the spectrum leaves you unbalanced and stagnant. Honoring the full plane of existence lends to a richer experience. With this practice, your cup is in a constant state of fluctuation. I've personally found that when I empty my cup and make space, that's when the true gems of experience are unearthed.

The moon has emptied her cup this evening.
Why don't you join her?

Luminous love,

Mind Body Dancer Restorative Yoga
Friday Dec. 2nd & 9th 6:30 – 7:45pm // Steps on Broadway 

Restore + Recharge: Healing Yoga with Reiki
Thursday Dec. 15th 7:30 – 9pm // Nest Space

Candlelight Yoga + Restore
Sunday Dec. 18th 6-7pm // Studio MAYA
 *community event, by donation
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