NewMoon No. 29, Winter


Cross country skiing with Mt. Hood views
“It's not the cow, it's the how.”

Diana Rodgers, RD
Sunday greetings!

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed my absence from the realms of likes, stories, and follows. 

For the month of February, I have chosen to disengage from social media. While I’ve longed to take a social media break several times over the past few years, I felt an impervious calling to finally honor that longing recently. Social media has a lot of valuable content, resources, a platform to share my ever-growing body of work, and can even provide a sense of community and solidarity for me when it comes to navigating the complex mess of this world. There is also a host of negative implications for my holistic wellbeing. 

As we entered Imbolc, the Celtic tradition of honoring the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox and fondly referred to as spring growing in the belly of winter, it felt like there was no better time during the cycle of the seasons to metaphorically hibernate away from the world of social media. There, in the belly of my own being, and that of the earth’s, I am spending this month carving out more time to engage with the world in ways that will nourish and sustain my own life blood; to honor my own growth that has been germinating deep in my spirit during this winter season.

I highly suggest taking a social media break sometime - it does the mind wonders! I'm also grateful to have this platform where I can continue to share my journey and wellness insights with you while giving my mental focus a rest from the world of FOMO, like button dopamine hits, and vitriolic outrage in the comments section.

One thing I do miss about social media is the ease of following content that keeps me well-informed, educated, and engaged in topics that matter to me. A recent discovery that I came across during some more turbulent times in the world of health and wellness (read: the Game Changers hysteria) was @sustainabledish and after scrolling through Diana Rogers' Instagram feed, I rejoiced, gave her a follow, and my nervous system calmed as it dawned on me that this woman's message is the pro-nuance, anti-bullshit approach to why meat isn't innately evil that I've been looking for. Meat eater, vegan, flexitarian, keto, paleo, nutrivore, "I don't do labels" - whoever you are and whatever you choose to consume, please stop what you're doing now, and with an open mind and heart, check out Sustainable Dish!
I've heard it many times before, and personally know quite a few people falling victim to the misinformation circling around about how "not eating cows will save the planet." 

Well friends, do I have some news for you...it's not the cow, it's the how. The difference between factory farmed and 100% grass-fed animals when it comes to personal health and the health of the environment is absolute. What if I told you that the proper management of pastured cattle can actually help to sink carbon, regenerate soil, and have a net positive impact on the environment? Would you believe me? 

Skeptical, excited, indifferent towards what I'm proposing? Again, whoever you are, with as much or as little care that you have for the matter, take a listen to this Sustainable Dish podcast episode with Frank Mitloehner, a specialist in livestock air quality at UC Davis. I stay pretty keyed in on this topic, and even I learned quite a bit from this listen! Prepare to have your minds blown, and possibly some 100% grass-fed beef on your grocery list.
Listen Now
May you seed your mind with a well-rounded perspective,
always seeking to dig deeper in pursuit of truth.

Luminous love,
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Stay luminous!
This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2020 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.

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