"In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between them, there are doors."
William Blake
Hello wild ones,
On the eve of my entrance into a new decade, I am graciously gifted with the presence of the moon at her fullest, illuminating my way into this new chapter of my life.
Naturally, birth has been on my mind a lot, and it feels as if this full moon is delivering me into my 30's as I cross this threshold between one decade and the next.
Do you ever feel as if the natural world is gifting you something special, or birthing you into a new stage of your life?
I've always looked forward to my 30's. I remember being in my early 20's, thinking about how nice it will be to reach an age where society starts to "take you more seriously." Ironically, I'm less concerned about being "taken seriously" by others these days, or how others view me and the way I walk in this world. Perhaps, it's because I've done quite a bit of growing up over the past 10 years...I sure like to think so.
At 20, you're still a kid, even though you can vote and the criminal justice system treats you like an adult. When I was 20, I would have stubbornly argued that I was most definitely an adult. Now, a day before I turn 30, I can look back and more accurately state that I was slowly evolving from a stupid child to a slightly less stupid young adult. Harsh? I don't think so. It's just the truth. I honestly hope I can look back again in 10 years when I'm nearing 40, realize just how little I knew at 30, and admire how far I've come since then. Continual growth is my personal trajectory.
While I'm not necessarily looking forward to my 30's for the same reasons as my twenty-something self was, I feel really good, settled even, in leaving my 20's behind. Being in an even bigger transitional space from Maiden to Mother certainly helps.
As we find ourselves in this liminal space between Winter and Spring, I personally find myself held within another layer of liminality: my Maiden years have come and gone, and yet I can't fully embody my Mother archetype until my baby and I enter the birth portal together in a few months. It's an exquisitely strange place to be.
We all have the potential to tap into this exquisitely strange, ambiguous, and fluctuating sense of self at this point along the Wheel of the Year. What are you leaving behind to decay and compost, that will ultimately feed and nourish whatever you choose to focus on and let flourish from within when Winter delivers you to Spring this year?
As the full moon floods the sky tonight, illuminating your own rebirth into the Spring season, ponder that question for yourself. See what is revealed.
May you revel in this exquisitely strange, liminal space.