“Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.”
Carl Sagan
Hello, & welcome to Lumen Letters!
I'm excited to begin this journey with you all as I develop these newsletters to share insights of personal experience through my exploration of interests in the realm of holistic health and wellness. Short and sweet, these newsletters are divided into three sections - body, mind, and spirit - although those three facets of ourselves are far from divided! In fact, the deeply woven integration of these aspects of our beings fascinates me and is the foundation of Luminous Architecture's philosophy.
I've spent the end of September and beginning of October out on the West Coast, roadtrippin' between California and Oregon - two states I had never stepped foot on before. Since my travels have left me both inspired and exhausted (I'm an ambitious traveler and tried to fit a month's worth of experiences into two weeks), this newsletter will be especially simple in layout design, and like all good things, will continue to evolve and grow with each edition. I hope you enjoy being a part of the journey, witnessing this evolution and allowing it to serve as a gentle reminder that we are constantly in a state of flux, just like the phases of the moon.
One of my destinations during my West Coast travels was Yosemite National Park in California. Being someone who has lived at sea level her entire life and knowing that altitude sickness can put a real damper on an epic adventure, I decided some high altitude training was in order during the weeks leading up to my trip.
A combination of high intensity interval workouts in Prospect Park and Wim Hof style breathing exercises on Brooklyn rooftops was my recipe for success. I came across Wim Hof's work a while back and was blown away by how incredibly attuned he is with the power of having a highly integrated body, mind, and spirit.
*The rooftop setting was purely for the enjoyment of the night sky's view, although that view falls remarkably short in comparison to the densely filled starry night sky I experienced while camping in Yosemite.
I'm happy to report back that I definitely reaped the benefits of this training, as I was able to enjoy my time frolicking with ease (most of the time) at nearly 10,000 ft elevation - I actually felt like I was able to breathe with a greater sense of ease and depth at these higher elevations, but maybe that has more to do with the fact that nature is a ridiculously healing atmosphere to envelop yourself in compared to the hustle and bustle of New York City.
One thing that's highlighted when traveling are your habits, and how encountering new situations in foreign lands challenge those habitual tendencies.
Rather than taking a pop-culture quiz on BuzzFeed - I know, I know, we all want to know which Game of Thrones character we're most like (Khaleesi!) - check out Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies Quiz to identify what your tendencies are in response to expectations. Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, or Rebel - I'll share my results with you on the new moon.
If your quiz results sparked an interest in this topic, take a listen to this episode on one of my favorite podcasts, ReWild Yourself, where host David Vitalis has a conversation with Gretchen about her work regarding health, habits, and happiness.
Last month, a mentor of mine gifted me a scroll with a section of this prayer written inside – “May I be a bridge, a boat, a ship, for all those who wish to cross the water.”
This message resonates deeply with me, and after reflecting upon the rest of the prayer, I knew this was the spirit I wanted to share with my readers as I begin this journey with Lumen Letters.
Bodhisattva Prayer For Humanity
May I be a protector for those without one,
A guide for all travellers on the way;
May I be a bridge, a boat, a ship
For all those who wish to cross the water.
May I be a lamp in the darkness,
A resting place for the weary,
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles.
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening,
Enduring like the earth and sky
Until all beings are freed from sorrow
And all are awakened.
- Shantideva
Bathe under the glow of the full moon's light,
& I'll see ya again under the quiet skies of the new moon.
Luminous love,
Restore + Recharge: Reiki & Healing Yoga
Thursday October 27th 7:30 – 9pm @ The Nest
Yoga Therapeutics NYC Open House
Sunday November 6th 2:30pm @ The Nest
(more information in next Lumen Letters)