“The way you look at things is the most powerful force in shaping your life.”
John O'Donahue
Hello dears,
I'm still soaking in the energy from last night's women's gathering, which you can witness the beautifully chaotic aftermath of the ritual flower crown making pictured above. Spending time in sacred circle with new and old friends alike, weaving, breathing, and being. Setting intentions for the emerging spring season and creating a collective energy of nourishing vibrancy. We all embodied our maiden fairy creature spirits, adorning ourselves with beauty, in the form of budding, blossoming life a top our heads. Last night was a lifelong dream coming to fruition, in so many ways.
How are you transitioning into the spring season from your deep winter's hibernation? With resistance for the more external energy, perhaps. Or with impatience for the lagging cold weather, just chomping at the bit for spring's promise of warmer, longer days. Wherever you fall along this spectrum, know that this is a juncture for deep detoxification, for clearing out and dusting off our winter beings, to ready our strength to burst through the topsoil of our selves and grow upward and outward with the support of the upcoming spring season.
Jocko Willink is one intense dude, but he's got a good point here. As a thought experiment, how would you live your life differently if you responded to each negative situation in your life with a firm positive response? Rather than spiral downward into a self-pity party of "woe is me" anthems playing on repeat, how about take a spin with an enthusiastic positive response. I'm not saying, eliminate all compassion for yourself and be a stone cold killer of your negativity, although "stone cold killer of negativity" does sound like a pretty badass way to transmute what keeps you down. Just add in the self-compassion element when it serves you best. And also don't be afraid of the fierceness to take on life's "bad" with a strong dose of "good." This is the kind of emerging spring strength needed to breakthrough the barriers of what keeps us dormant and asleep to our own potential.
"Get up, dust off, reload, recalibrate, re-engage."
HanaKyle, of HanaKyle Holistics, and I relish the changing of the seasons, and have joined forces to share our inspirations for Spring with one lucky winner!
I will be sharing my Spring Myst Aromatherapy Spray, a 4oz bottle of spring water I foraged from the Catskills with a blend of essential oils that invokes the scent of a spring rain shower. HanaKyle will be giving away a 2oz bottle of her Spring Essential Oil Blend, to keep your skin moisturized while reminding you of new growth and potential.
To enter:
1. follow both of us @luminousarchitecture and @hanakyle on Instagram
2. comment on the giveaway post on both of our Instagram pages by tagging a friend that you think would be excited to bound into spring with our products! Each time you comment is another entry; just be sure to comment on both posts.
3. Giveaway closes at 9pm EST on 3/20.
We will celebrate the arrival of spring by announcing the winner on 3/21 at 5pm EST!
Luminous Elixirs photography by @kitfoxvalentin
With a surname like McCarthy, I've always loved celebrating St. Patrick's Day and take great pride in my Irish roots. While I grew up Catholic in the early years of my childhood, I never observed this holiday as a religious one to honor St. Patrick himself. It was just a fun holiday where I would wear green, eat corned beef and cabbage, and as I got older, drink and be merry with a flirtatious side of "kiss me, I'm Irish" pride. As I've delved deeper into my ancestral roots past the Catholicism of Ireland, digging down into Celtic pagan practices, my feelings towards St. Patrick's Day have taken on a greater awareness of the origins of the holiday. St. Patrick is celebrated for driving out the snakes from Ireland. Did you know, that the snakes weren't meant in the literal way, but are symbols for the Celtic Druids? Neither did I until a few years ago. That 3 leaf clover, representing the trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...yes, that's a thing. But do you know where they got the idea from? Celtic pagans honoring the triple goddess of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Ah, the things they don't teach you in school, but are so much more interesting!
May you emerge from winter's rest,
with the strength to grow and bloom
wide open,
while remaining rooted
in the fertile soil
of the spring season.
Luminous love,