New Moon No. 4, Winter


“Winter winds sweep away the dead leaves of our lives.”
Terri Guillemets

Greetings, my dear ones!

Less is more. This might be my mantra for 2017...or at least for this Lumen Letter. So, staying true to this sentiment, I'm keeping my intro short and sweet this time round. Let's get on with the luminosity!


Integrative Healing Session packages are discounted through January 31st

3, 5, & 10 session packages available

Connect with me for details and pricing 


I’ve never been one to like having a lot of unnecessary stuff, but somehow, I’ve acquired more than what I deem as is necessary for my current lifestyle. As I’m preparing to shift my living situation to a solo sanctuary space in the spring, minimalist living is currently a relevant topic in my life. Consumerism and materialism are constructed on a paradigm based in the truth that we, as modern human beings, have become ridiculously reliant on external systems rather than the self-reliant and resourceful paradigm our ancestors existed in. This is becoming more painfully apparent to me each and every day, but I’ll save that rant for another letter. In the meantime, check out this podcast and pare down on your belongings for a greater sense of freedom from the possessive nature material possessions have on our lives. Warning: you WILL want to raid your home and partake in a massive clearing out after listening to this podcast, so make sure to pencil in some time for that early bird spring cleaning session!
Minimalism: Living a Richer Life with Less on Bulletproof Radio

Speaking of unnecessary stuff, have you ever looked on the back of your favorite skin serum or deodorant and wonder why there are so many ingredients, half of which you can’t even pronounce? Well, maybe you haven’t, but I hope you give it some thought after reading the lowdown on the “dirty dozen” of cosmetics. You’d be surprised at how many so-called all natural, organic, eco-conscious beauty lines can be caught red-handed when it comes to using at least one of the dirty dozen ingredients in their products. Don’t fear though, I’ll be launching a minimalist, customized line of products featuring blends of essential oils in the spring! I can’t promise that you will be able to pronounce all of the ingredients I use, because jojoba oil is often times mispronounced and I include the Latin names of the essential oils in the ingredients list. But I can promise you that I use these products on myself (that’s how it all began!) and all of the ingredients infused into these Luminous Elixirs are completely natural, free from the dirty dozen, and crafted with the utmost love and intention, right here in Brooklyn!


Betcha didn't know Groundhog's Day is derived from the dirty dirt-worshipping Pagan holiday of Imbolc?! And I mean dirty dirt-worshipping Pagan in the most loving way, because after all, a healthy microbiome requires soil-based baceria i.e. what most modern humans would call "dirty" and the dirt a.k.a. earth is freakin' awesome and the Mother of all of us (seriously, wouldn't be alive without her!) Imbolc falls at the beginning of February each year, marking the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. Chani Nicholas, one rad woman who embraces her inner witch through communicating astrology that packs a punch of social justice, aligns this new moon and the traditions of Imbolc quite nicely in this excerpt from her latest post.

"This new moon is the Imbolc moon. Imbolc is a cross-quarter day, a day in between the solstice and the equinox. Imbolc is a traditional Gaelic festival that marks the stirrings of spring. From deep within the frozen earth new life is emerging. Imbolc is thought to mean “in the belly,” celebrating the life that invisibly starts in the womb. It is a time when the goddess, Brigid, is celebrated and asked to enter into people’s homes so they may receive her blessing. It is a time to offer her food and drink, a bed to sleep on and to hang cloth outside our doors for her to bless. A time to visit a sacred well, pray for health and leave an offering. A time to light candles, have a bonfire and call in the warmth and light of a new season. 

This is a time to ask for assistance from the forces of nature that we live within. A time to offer what we have without expectation of what we will receive. This is a time where we ask to be purified by the waters that are thawing and by the promise of new life, a time to be purged of what has is no longer logical, useful or working."

You can read her full take on this new moon in Aquarius here

With this vast space and darkness swept across the sky,
There is a calling to make space in our own lives.
The darkness cradles and coos to us.
We hibernate & hone in on what is strong enough to remain,
& what is weak enough to be carried out from our lives with winter's winds.

Luminous love,

Slow Flow & Restore
Monday's 8:15 – 9:15pm
Shambhala Yoga & Dance Center
Essential Core & Vital Force
Thursday's 7 – 8 am // 10 – 11am
Studio MAYA
Thursday's 9:30 – 10am
Studio MAYA

Bosu Body // Slow Flow Yoga
Friday Feb. 3rd 9:30 – 10am // 10 – 11am
Studio MAYA
Restore + Recharge Workshop
Friday February 10th (time TBD)
Nest Space

Restorative Yoga + Reiki: A semi-private experience
Sunday Feb. 12th 6 – 7:30pm
Studio MAYA
Trump is now our president - you need all the light you can get.
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