“The wild nature carries the bundles for healing.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Hello hello hello,
I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm paying more attention to plant life than human life these early spring days. Maybe it's where I'm at in my cycle, or the desire to shut out all of the toxic over stimulation from city life, or likely a bit of both. I guess with everything going off around me plant life wise, I'm being subconsciously primed to communicate the wondrous ways of the plants to you. This letter has unintentionally transformed into a pairing of plant medicine for your multi-faceted architecture of mind, body, and spirit. May your own curiosity about plant life be sparked from what's to follow.
Staying up to date on the expanding field of research for plant medicine uses, while not as much fun to me as learning the folklore and traditional teachings surrounding plants, is an important aspect of plant studies. It's also extremely helpful when communicating concepts of plant medicine to individuals who require the scientific backing of something to believe it's potent powers are legit. So for those of you who like that extra little intellectual boost of reassurance from the field of science, this video on stinging nettle's for you...and for generally curious individuals who want to learn more about the studied health benefits of this plant.
If you're into plant medicine, foraging, and wildcrafting, check out Adam Haritan's body of work, Learn Your Land. He's a magical wellspring of knowledge on all things plants, and I can't help but adore how he is reminiscent of an elfin creature, which makes him all the more magical seeming to me.
If there'e anything you get out of this Lumen Letter, PLEASE, let it be a listen to this podcast! Nadine Artemis has been such an influential role model for me when it comes to how I relate to beauty care and my own development of Luminous Elixirs. Be prepared to be challenged with this one. If you grew up with ivory soap, imposter "healthy" makeup brands like Clinique, and Crest toothpaste like me, then you'll cringe a bit as you listen to it and realize all of the damage that was done to your body from using the standard American diet of hygiene products. BUT there's good news...you can easily change what products you use and how you relate to your largest organ. Surprise surprise - Nadine's biggest ally in her beauty blends are plants. And of course, botanicals won my heart and layers of dermis when it came to skincare, which is why I now exclusively create all of my own beauty care products using the power of plants.
The spirit of plants have spoken, or rather, sung out loud, thanks to one woman. Mileece, a sonic artist and environmental designer, has developed technology to afford plants artistic expression. While this may seem a little out there, the notion of plants being able to "make music," just give it a listen. Who would've thought the tree branch underneath of the songbird could sing just as lovely a tune?
Open up to the wonders around you.
Like a small child,
keep curiosity close;
get lost in the scent of a flower,
the sight of a creature,
a moment of simple joy.
Rinse & repeat.
Let this be your springtime tune.
Luminous love,