December // New Moon Edition

L U M E N  L E T T E R S

“I used to envy the father of our race, dwelling as he did in contact with the new-made fields and plants of Eden; but I do so no more, because I have discovered that I also live in creation's dawn.”
John Muir

Hello dear ones,
I hope everyone's been having jubilant celebrations shared with loved ones this holiday season. With the new year just a few days away, it's a good time to wrap up any loose ends that might keep you tied to 2016 in an unhealthy way. Let's face it - 2016 was a rough year for humanity. I think John Oliver summed it up best in his 2016 send off, which if you haven't watched, I highly recommend taking the next few minutes to do so - after all, laughter is the best medicine/we have to laugh to keep from crying.

& keep your eyes open for this month's extended Lumen Letter, illuminating your inboxes on the final day of the year, where I'll get pretty personal and share my insights on what 2016 taught me along the way.

2016 is coming to a close, & so is my holiday promotion!

Integrative Healing Sessions are buy 1, get 1 half off through December 31st

Give a gift, get a gift - Give both sessions - Receive both sessions

How you choose to use this bundle of healing is completely up to you!

Connect with me for details and pricing

Knowledge is power, my friends! Studio Maya, one of the wonderful studio communities I am involved with as a teacher, is raising money to launch an app that will allow people to access valuable, educational video and podcast tools centered on holistic health and wellness. Want to work with me and other talented, passionate movement teachers in a variety of modalities, but don't live in NYC? Or maybe you do live in NYC but prefer doing things on your own time. Check out their Kickstarter campaign and please consider donating to fund the development of an app that unlocks an accessible, affordable way to transform your body and empower your mind...anytime, anywhere! 

Touch - a lost art alongside conversation in today's technology era of connecting and expressing one's self through screens rather than in person. For someone who was nicknamed "touchy-feely" as a child by my parents because I loved learning about my environment through direct tactile exploration, I believe this innate curiosity through touch is immensely important to our healthy development as human beings. But if you don't believe me, here's a supporting article on why hugs make happier, healthier humans. So next time you're feeling stressed, get hands on about resolving your woes, literally, and hug it out with a loved one!

As we wrap up 2016, many of us will find ourselves reflecting on this past year's events, on a personal and universal level, in order to cultivate resolutions or intentions to bring with us into the start of the new year. Whether we continue down those intended paths throughout the year is a whole 'nother story. However, the simple act of taking the time to reflect and reorganize before moving forward is a very useful practice. While processing the way our lives unfold and the lessons that are encountered throughout isn't always so clear and linear, we can begin to process, collect, and transmute what we feel compelled to work with as it comes up upon a recap of our year. With many of us wading in the waters of reflection now, hence the time of year and Mercury's retrograde transit, things might be feeling a bit heavy or negative as we open up our scope of awareness on what transpired in 2016. Remember to express gratitude for the good, the bad, and the ugly - in retrospect, we often encounter the most growth from the seemingly downright ugly experiences. Rumi's words somehow always get down to the heart of the matter for me, and this poem of his seems especially appropriate to share now, as we are each searching for some closure in what we entertained in 2016. 

The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

- Rumi
A new moon, a new season, a new year;
Let the space of these beginnings set you anew.

Luminous love,

Ageless Body
Thursday mornings 7 – 8am; 10 – 11am  // Studio MAYA

Semiprivate Yoga + Reiki Workshop
Sunday Jan. 8th 2 – 4pm // Nest Space
Yoga Therapeutics NYC

Restore + Recharge: Healing Yoga with Reiki
Thursday Jan. 12th 7:30 – 9pm // Nest Space
Yoga Therapeutics NYC
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