New Moon No. 44, Winter


Soaking in the sweet sun rays and promises of Spring
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

Mother Theresa
Hi sweet souls,

I've been thinking a lot lately about how precious our time is here on Mother Earth. This is likely initiated from my own Solar Return being right around the corner; another spin around the sun comes to completion for me next week. I remember when I turned 10 years old, and had a thought that went a little something like this: "WOW, it took SO long for me to turn 10, and I don't even remember the first few years of my life...life is going to feel really, really long, and that's a good thing."

Well, now I'm sitting here chuckling and grinning at the sweet innocence of childhood. Maybe you felt similarly as a child, too. And now, like me, you feel like you don't even have the time to wonder where all the time went!

I took a social media break for the month of February in part to reclaim my time and energy that felt too tethered to the (societally and self-imposed) pressure to show up on these platforms, engage, create content, stay relevant, etc. etc. etc.

Sure, social media is a business tool for me, but it can also serve as a creative outlet. When it consistently feels like all work, no play, that's my cue to pull the plug and disconnect.

As a creative type, when I feel the creativity well run dry, I don't feel quite like myself. Sometimes, all you need is a little space. To sit with your proverbial empty cup, quietly, free from the distractions and noise. Let your cup be filled once again, with waters poured from the sacred well of the Soul. We so often look outward for inspiration, and while there is plenty to be found out there, have you ever considered that you're made of, woven into, all the out there stuff? Maybe, your greatest, most reliant source of inspiration can originate from this embodiment of interconnectedness.

The space taken this past month has served me well. My cup is overflowing and I have been so damn productive during my social media break. Like SO DAMN PRODUCTIVE that I've decided to extend my time away from Instagram for a little (or a lot) longer, and I already permanently said goodbye to Facebook in February. Prioritizing, making big moves, creative juices in full flow, stress levels low low low, life is pretty swell sans social media.

For I'm realizing my time is too precious to spend in a scroll hole these days, and I hope you know and realize that yours is, too. 

Our time is precious. We all know this on some instinctual level, but do we live by this truth? Likely not, or not often enough.

Pondering this question as I write to you all, knowing you, too, will also ponder this same question, I feel compelled to share a poem. A poem that you've likely read the last few lines of, but quite possibly never read the poem in it's entirety. And I do believe those last few lines hold an even greater power when held in the context of the complete poem.

The Summer Day

Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean—
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down—
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

—Mary Oliver

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If you're feeling called to reclaim your time and energy, honor the preciousness of your life, and let your cup be filled by the sacred waters of your very own sweet soul, then please join me on the mat this month.

My Luminous Flow classes are guided by nature’s rhythms. Each month, we focus on a seasonally aligned energetic theme. This month, we revel in the origins. Over the course of the month, I guide you through a deepening into the origin of your body and breath, awakening the creative muse within, shedding your Winter skin, and planting seeds of intention as we honor the birth of Spring on the Vernal Equinox.

I love each month's journey at my Virtual Studio, but this month's journey feels particularly, well, precious. The movement videos shared in my Membership Portal have a certain kind of enchantment this month; I truly feel as though we are moving into the mystic on the mat space together.

Since March is the month of my own origin story, I'm offering a discount on my Virtual Studio's Monthly Membership. Unlock the Membership Portal and journey into the mystic with me for just $29 this month. I hope to see you on the Other Side.


MARCH // origins

This month builds a bridge between the Winter and Spring seasons. As we prepare to shed our Winter skin and tenderly cross into this threshold of rebirth, we are granted a point of origin to grow from as the year unfolds. This liminal space between Winter's death and Spring's birth offers up opportunities to derive initiation, seed creative endeavors, and support detox pathways as our bodies prepare to begin anew.

March's holistic movement practice will gently soften your hardened Winter bodies to reveal a vibrant spring spirit within. Think of it as a little Spring cleaning for your body, mind, and spirit.


join the movement
May you revel in this one wild and precious life.

Luminous love,

FREE Luminous Flow live stream

move your body & awaken the human spirit

Thursday March 24th
4pm - 5pm PT // 7pm - 8pm ET

A FREE live stream event for my signature movement class - a functional fitness, alignment based yoga practice, guided by nature's rhythms.
register for class
Wednesday March 30th

4:30pm - 5pm PT // 7:30pm - 8pm ET

Donation based class!

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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2022 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.
