Winter Solstice
L U M E N  L E T T E R S
Greetings, my dear ones!

Today is winter solstice - the celestial wonder that marks the beginning of the winter season for the Northern Hemisphere. On this very darkest day of the year, I'm serving up an extra special dose of luminosity to support you through the winter months.

As the days grew shorter and the nights grew longer, I'd been attuning myself to the magic of the winter season and imbuing that magic into my handcrafted wellness product line, Luminous Elixirs.

Luminous Elixirs

seasonal & custom blends

Through these elixirs, I'm offering another facet of my luminous architecture to assist your alignment with the cycles of the seasons & the more personally experienced cycles of your life.

Luminous Elixirs Winter products are here!

Well...two of them. Another will release January 1st, because who doesn't like to spread out the gift giving window or season of holiday cheer?!

& I'll be working on a VERY special women's wellness product during my hibernating months, to be released on the day of my solar return in early March. I'm really looking forward to sharing this one with the ladies!
Luminous Elixirs Winter Essence

Winter Essence

An earthy + evergreen rollerball blend, designed for kindling the spirit of winter in your senses, and with that, keeping your mind and sinuses clear.
Luminous Elixirs Winter Soak

Winter Soak

A soothing + softening bath salt blend, inviting us to slow down, warm up, and recover from winter aches, pains, colds, & flus. 

Here's what people are saying about Luminous Elixirs:

"It's the little things that make you smile.  The Fall Essence Rollerball by Luminous Elixirs is a perfect combination of relaxing and happy in a little jar.  It has an alluring and irresistible scent that's more earthy and not "perfumey".  I love using it to sleep, or to decompress, or simply just to smile.  It's a seasonal product, so must stock-up!"

Dayan Ingui

"Wonderful! The scent is absolutely intoxicating and comforting. I’ve been putting it on in the morning for a grounded start. I cannot wait to experience future essences concocted by Luminous Elixirs!"

Gabrielle Perretta

May you cherish the darkness,
& rejoice in the returning of the light.
Merry Winter Solstice!

Luminous love,
Photography by Kitfox Valentín 
Copyright © 2017 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.

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