New Moon No. 23, Winter


“These cycles and movements within nature are within us too, for we are nature; in our blood and skin.

Brigit McNeill
Hey there,

As one who honors the Celtic Wheel of the Year, today marks Lunar Imbolc, the new moon falling closest to the cross quarter day between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Imbolc means "in the belly" - we are deep in the belly of the earth, this phase of acknowledged hibernation among humans, creatures, and plant life alike. When as a collective, the earth and her inhabitants slow down and rest well, in preparation for giving birth to the new life that is accompanied with spring. There's a stirring in our bellies, perhaps a bit of restlessness, of hunger, in anticipation for this new life to be welcomed. 

I am finally able to indulge in this hibernation phase with a few days off after performing 4 shows in 3 days. To preserve my own time of rest, I'm sharing with you a few midwinter remedies that I find personally nourishing and will likely be utilizing during my own little hibernation phase this week. I hope they serve you well and inspire your own tending to those inner fires that may feel a little stir crazy come Imbolc season. 

Hot Mug of Love
Get that kettle whistling and pour yourself a hot health elixir of your choice. Some herbal teas I particularly love to sip on right about now are peppermint, nettle, and rooibos chai. Fresh ginger, turmeric, half a lemon, juiced, and raw, local honey to taste (add once your tea has cooled a bit) is one of my fav go-to's when my immune system needs a little boost. Bone broth with a generous pinch of cayenne and smoked paprika helps to heat things up while healing my gut. Or give yourself a little sweetness in the form of pumpkin puree, heated milk of choice (I love goat's milk for this one!), ceylon cinnamon, allspice, 1 date, coconut butter, and ashwagandha - blend it up and grate a little nutmeg and ginger on top.

Soothing Soak
Draw yourself a hot bath, add some soaking salts, light a couple of candles, and slip into the soothing lull of the water's heat. Luminous Elixirs has your back on this one - my Winter Soak bath salt blend invites you to slow down, warm up, and recover well. 

Warming Self-Massage
Lightly warm jojoba, olive, or coconut oil and massage your entire body in long, circular strokes beginning at your extremities, working towards your heart. Your skin will thank you for sealing in the moisture of damp skin after a bath or shower. For a little extra self-love, Lover's Essence can accompany you well with a blend of warming, heart-opening and pelvic-stirring essential oils.

Move, Then Rest
Pairing gentle, or maybe not so gentle movement (you know what you need best) with active recovery time can do a slightly stir-crazy human wonders. Whether it's a hike, a yoga class, some dancing in your kitchen, or a full on workout, build some internal heat and get that sluggish winter lymphatic system moving and grooving for it's primetime working moments come spring. Once you've got your blood pumping, then chill out with intentional rest. Some of my favorite ways to rest are through a restorative yoga practice, castor oil packs, and floatation therapy.

Cleansing Ritual
I believe ritual to be a very personal practice, so this one is more up to you and your own intentions. It's a very supportive time to cleanse your physical space, both home environment and the home of your body. A few of the midwinter remedies mentioned above could serve as a beautiful ritual practice. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it comes from deep within the belly of your spirit. 
Stir it up, then slow it down;
embrace the light and life that is coming our way,
while honoring the depths of where we are.

Luminous love,

restorative yoga + essential oils

Sunday February 17th 5:30pm - 7:00pm @ The Grinning Yogi PDX

$10 members / $20 drop in

Space is limited to 20 people - sign up ahead of time to reserve spot!

The Breakup Club
I'll be performing in Chicago on my birthday!

donating to "The Breakup Club Takes on Chicago" campaign to help cover the costs of sending Annie, Jessica, Sophia, Kristalyn, and Whitney to Chicago to perform at the 2019 Harmony Music and Dance Festival.

We appreciate your support!
Stay luminous!
This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
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