Here's a sneak peek into some of the written practices we will explore in tonight's workshop for those of you who are not able to be with us in person. As a new moon ritual, if that's your sort of thing, or simply as a reflective journaling practice, carve out some time tonight to curl up with your thoughts. Grab a journal and writing utensil, make yourself a comforting mug of tea (I suggest chamomile or tulsi), and let the writing flow freely.
No.1 Fall Associations
When you think of the fall season…
List words, phrases, draw pictures - whatever your style is, become clear on what associations you have with the fall season.
No.2 Past Patterns
Past tendencies in fall season…
Become aware of past patterns and reflect on where those patterns originated from; what they are rooted in. Write these down and stay present with your breath - some uncomfy stuff may surface, and that's okay. Shedding light into the darkness is the first step to transformation.
No.3 Setting Intentions
Setting intentions for the fall season…
- How do you want to interact with yourself this fall?
- With others?
- With the season/the natural world?
Answer by making a list of responses to each question, full of positive intent for how you'd like to actively align yourself with these intentions. Making a list won't manifest your hearts deepest desires. but bringing your awareness to how you want to design your life is a great place to inspire putting some things into motion for these facets to fall into place.