Thursday October 27th
4:30pm - 5:30pm PT // 7:30pm - 8:30pm ET
bewitched (bih-wicht) adjective
1. to attract or delight (someone) in a way that seems magical.
2. enchanted, charmed, or fascinated by someone or something.
Roll out your mat & hold onto your broomstick, because my signature movement class is about to get witchy!
As we near Samhain/Halloween, the veil thins between this world & the Other. We have a powerful opportunity to commune with and honor our Ancestors, and those dear to us who have left this world.
Luminous Flow is my signature movement class, designed to awaken your senses, activate your muscles, and nourish your spirit. A functional fitness, alignment based approach to a vinyasa yoga practice with a finishing touch of restorative movement.
This bewitched rendition of my Luminous Flow class will provide a portal to connect with your own inner witch this Samhain season. Through movement & breath, we cast spells across our mat space. Intentional movement is a living prayer for your body; an enchanting spell that shifts your experience in this world. As if by magic, you leave the mat feeling grounded, attuned, and whole.
Slowing down, listening to the wisdom of the body, carving out space to dedicate each breath to those who have come before us - this is how we create magic on the mat together.