Full Moon No. 52, Fall
Communing with the Water element on the Fall Equinox as we celebrated one spin around the sun as husband & wife.
Fun fact: we took this photo at our wedding ceremony spot - perks of public land weddings!
"The moon has awoken with the sleep of the sun. The light has been broken, the spell has begun."

Hello wild ones,

It's been a little while since I've landed in your inbox...one moon cycle to be exact. Summer turned to Fall, I moved from Portland to the Columbia River Gorge, and along the way, I (unintentionally) missed a couple of Lumen Letters. Life happens, you know how it goes. Alas, I am back behind my keyboard, and oh so happy to be writing to you today - even if this is getting out later than intended. Why don't you step outside and read this Letter by the light of the full moon? I'll keep it short, so you have plenty of time for moon gazing.

Fall has arrived and, despite the continuous work of settling into my new physical home out in the country, my spirit has found a deep sense of home in this season. Year after year, Fall feels like a homecoming of sorts for me. For as long as I can remember, it's been my favorite season. My favorite holiday is tucked away in the magic of this season. My favorite colors to wear are those of the Fall color palette. Some of my life's fondest memories happened in the Fall. As an East Coast kid, I was enchanted by vibrant foliage; mesmerized by the way leaves dance with the wind as they fall to their death. Fall feels extra magical, cozy, and nostalgic.

I'm sure you feel most at home in a particular season, too. If you don't mind sharing, reply to this email and let me know which season provides you with a homecoming each year.

Now, I want to let you get to your moon gazing this fine evening, but before we part ways, mark your calendars for Thursday October 27th. I'll be hosting my monthly free live stream class that afternoon/evening, and oh, do I have a treat in store for you!

Thursday October 27th
4:30pm - 5:30pm PT // 7:30pm - 8:30pm ET

bewitched (bih-wicht) adjective

1. to attract or delight (someone) in a way that seems magical.

2. enchanted, charmed, or fascinated by someone or something.


Roll out your mat & hold onto your broomstick, because my signature movement class is about to get witchy!


As we near Samhain/Halloween, the veil thins between this world & the Other. We have a powerful opportunity to commune with and honor our Ancestors, and those dear to us who have left this world.

Luminous Flow is my signature movement class, designed to awaken your senses, activate your muscles, and nourish your spirit. A functional fitness, alignment based approach to a vinyasa yoga practice with a finishing touch of restorative movement.

This bewitched rendition of my Luminous Flow class will provide a portal to connect with your own inner witch this Samhain season. Through movement & breath, we cast spells across our mat space. Intentional movement is a living prayer for your body; an enchanting spell that shifts your experience in this world. As if by magic, you leave the mat feeling grounded, attuned, and whole.

Slowing down, listening to the wisdom of the body, carving out space to dedicate each breath to those who have come before us - this is how we create magic on the mat together.
register for class
May you be enchanted by this Fall season.


OCTOBER // water
In the Celtic Wheel of the Year, which steers my own journey around the sun each cycle, Autumn is associated with the element of Water. Fall is a time for reflection as we prepare to move through the darkest time of the year, where we are likely to dance with our demons and face the theme of loss and letting go in some way, even if just by the watching of leaves fall to their death as they blanket the Earth.

October's classes are designed to support you through this transition into darkness, working with the Water spirit as your guide. Slow flowing streams, rushing rivers, expansive oceans, still lakes, dancing waterfalls, a fresh rainfall - the Water will serve as your movement muse this month.

I look forward to paddling along this Luminous Flow waterway in our communal canoe that is this Virtual Studio experience.
$40 gives you access to 4 water inspired Luminous Flow classes for the entire month of October.

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stay luminous
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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2022 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.

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