New Moon No. 51, Fall
Picking fairytale pumpkins at a local farm in Mosier.
What makes night within us may leave stars.”

Vincent Hugo
Dark moon greetings,

Summer has finally given way to Fall here in the PNW, and while I'll miss being able to frolic around the local pumpkin patch in shorts in mid October, it feels right to have that crisp chill in the air again. Samhain (sow-wen) season is upon us - the veil between this world and the Other thins as we prepare to enter the darkest quarter along the Wheel of the Year. Are you resisting the deep dive into these dark waters, or welcoming them with such delight?

Or perhaps you feel pulled in both directions as I currently do - yearning for the bright light of long Summer days, while dreaming of the cozy nesting these fast approaching, elongated dark nights lend us. Our relationship with the Dark can be complex and ever-evolving. The seasons of the year and the seasons of our lives don't always feel in sync, and that's okay. It can certainly feel really good when you feel aligned with the season's energies, but that isn't always how life plays out. If you are seeking more aligned seasonal well-being and don't know where to start, I'm always just a phone call away.

So before you think you should feel a certain way this time of year as we descend into darkness, I'm going to stop you in your tracks and remind you that one's relationship with the seasons is deeply personal. Sure, there are universal themes we can all connect to, but the true richness of this seasonal and cyclical living is when you discover your own way of relating to the ebb and flow of the Year.

As the sky bleeds black tonight, perhaps you take a few moments to look up at the void of the moon, pause, and breathe deeply as the velvety Dark blanket envelops you; invites you to be with her. Stare Death in the face (a form of darkness we will all relate to intimately one day) and call in your Ancestors, those who live on the Otherside. Be with them, for they yearn to be with you as this veil thins. & from this place of connection and support, begin to ponder your relations with the Dark this year. Maybe even say a little prayer or incantation to welcome the darkness, to lean into the lessons of what lies in the shadows, lives deep in the ocean trenches, and whispers within the quiet corners of your very own soul.

- - -

Perhaps if Death is kind, and there can be returning,
We will come back to earth some fragrant night,
And take these lanes to find the sea, and bending
Breathe the same honeysuckle, low and white.

We will come down at night to these resounding beaches
And the long gentle thunder of the sea,
Here for a single hour in the wide starlight
We shall be happy, for the dead are free.

- Sara Teasdale
May you wear the Darkness well.

4:30pm - 5:30pm PT // 7:30pm - 8:30pm ET
A free live stream event for my signature movement class, with a witchy twist.

This bewitched rendition of my Luminous Flow class will provide a portal to connect with your own inner witch this Samhain season. Through movement & breath, we cast spells across our mat space. Intentional movement is a living prayer for your body; an enchanting spell that shifts your experience in this world. As if by magic, you leave the mat feeling grounded, attuned, and whole.

Slowing down, listening to the wisdom of the body, carving out space to dedicate each breath to those who have come before us - this is how we create magic on the mat together.

register for class

NOVEMBER // community

Cultivate compassion and unity by focusing your practice outward next month.

Moving with yourself in mind is great self care. Expanding your awareness to also move with others in mind is even better. How you move in this world matters.

Let’s move and breathe together to stay strong, present, and flexible for ourselves and our communities.

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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
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