“I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide is a wild call, and a clear call that may not be denied."
Where the mountains met the sea when the sun’s cycle sang Spring Equinox, my true love summoned me. He sang like the sun words from an Irish tale. In his hand he held a thread that would lead me to be wed. I followed the thread through rocks and pools, where a creature of the sea presented a ring to me.
One cannot deny that magic exists and fairytales are real when the man you’re madly in love with proposes to you in such a wildly romantic way. On the Spring Equinox, with the salty sea, stacks of stone, and Spring’s first breath of air as our witnesses, we crossed a threshold together.
I'm ENGAGED! Still soaring high from the epic proposal last weekend, I'm elated to let this joy spill over into my work life and have created a very generous opportunity for new clients.
If you've never worked with me one-on-one before and are seeking a highly personalized holistic movement and wellness experience, you want to take advantage of my stupidly silly in love high I'm on right now because...
Here's how it works:
- Reply to this email by April 12th to let me know you're interested in the offer.
- We will have a brief consult over a phone call or email to help me design your session.
- This offer is only valid for a session booked in April - we will talk scheduling and find a day/time for your session.
- Once booked, I'll send you your personal Zoom Meeting Room information.
- At the end of your session, send payment to my Venmo or PayPal. My normal rate is $100/session but I'm serious when I say if $5 is all you can afford and you are interested in working with me one-on-one, then let's do it!
& that's it - no future commitments, tricks up my sleeve, or strings attached. Just a super sweet deal that I genuinely hope builds a bridge to be able to work with and support some new folks.
Please don't hesitate to share this email with people. Spread the word, shout it from the rooftops, sing it at the top of your lungs! Because this lady is ready to facilitate growth and positive change in people's lives.
May you soar to new heights this spring.
Luminous love,
HAVEN // a spring ritual
It's time to unearth.
April 5th - 11th // 7am - 7:30am PT
This donation based morning ritual retreat is designed to offer you seasonally supportive wellness practices that you can easily integrate into your life. Each day, we will be guided by the air element of spring to explore different forms of breath work, functional movement, and holistic health and lifestyle guidance.
Awaken your senses, send roots down deep, & bloom wide open at the HAVEN.
(If you can't attend every morning, don't worry about it. Join 1 morning, all 7 mornings, or anything in between.)
APRIL // air
Spring is in the air, and that's exactly what will steer our movement journey this month. Riding on the winds of change, we will connect with the air element of the spring season.
April's holistic movement practice will have us soaring along the wide open spaces of our mats with a specific focus on breath work and mental fitness. Come fly with me!
Mark your calendar: APRIL Social Dis-DANCE-ing
Friday April 30th 4pm - 4:30pm PT // pay what you can
This 30 minute cardio movement class combines your own dance moves with guided functional fitness bodyweight exercises. The playlist changes every month, complete with all the best dance jams - you'll be having so much fun you won't even realize you're working out. Turn up the volume and let’s groove, sweat, and smile together. Open to all levels, leave your inhibitions behind and bring your best dance moves.
I'll see you on the virtual dance floor!
Spring is in the air...
& the Luminous Elixirs Etsy shop