New Moon No. 36, Winter


On the eve of my solar return with a gift from the gods
Photo by Kitfox Valentín
“The deep roots never doubt spring will come.

Marty Rubin
Spring is beginning to sing its sweet melody of rebirth here in the lands of the Pacific Northwest. As the sun sets and we prepare to spring forward, I write to you on this new moon. I have many thoughts, feelings, and the desire to share them, as I'm sure you do, too. But alas, a simple gesture of initiation is what I will offer you this time around in your inbox.

After facilitating my first donation based virtual retreat in January and receiving positive feedback from many participants, I am pleased to be offering my spring rendition of the HAVEN. The HAVEN is a sacred place, created by those who tune in to the frequency of our morning livestream Zoom meeting, where we gather to cultivate meaningful relationships with the season.


It's time to unearth.

As we shed our winter skin and tenderly cross into the threshold of spring, we are granted a point of origin to grow from as the year unfolds. Gather with me to seed your springtide with purpose.

From April 5th - 11th, we will meet at 7am PT // 10am ET for a half hour to cultivate our relationship with the spring season. This morning ritual retreat is designed to offer you seasonally supportive wellness practices that you can easily integrate into your life. Each day, we will be guided by the air element of spring to explore different forms of breath work, functional movement, and holistic health and lifestyle guidance. This experience will gently soften your hardened winter bodies to reveal a vibrant spring spirit within. Think of it as a little spring cleaning for your body, mind, and spirit!


Awaken your senses, send roots down deep, & bloom wide open at
the HAVEN.

May the bridge from winter to spring graciously present itself to you soon.

Luminous love,

MARCH // origins

March builds a bridge between the winter and spring seasons. As we prepare to shed our winter skin and tenderly cross into this threshold of rebirth, we are granted a point of origin to grow from as the year unfolds. This liminal space between winter's death and spring's birth offers up opportunities to derive initiation, seed creative endeavors, and support detox pathways as our bodies prepare to begin anew.

This month's holistic movement practice will gently soften your hardened winter bodies to reveal a vibrant spring spirit within. Think of it as a little spring cleaning for your body, mind, and spirit.

& because my own origin story began in the month of march, I'm gifting everyone 20% off a March Monthly Membership.

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Social Dis-DANCE-ing

Friday March 26th

4pm - 4:30pm PT // 7pm - 7:30pm ET

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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2021 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.

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