New Moon No. 45, Spring
Harvest basket filled to the brim with Stinging Nettle
It is Spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”

Rainer Maria Rilke
Happy Spring!

We've crossed the threshold of the Spring Equinox, emerging into the lighter half of the year. Despite the sky being dark tonight as the moon hides in shadow, there is a lightness of being that is quite palpable this time of year. Can you feel it flowing through you?

After the last Lumen Letter, dense with details about circadian rhythms and philosophizing on the importance of living with the sun cycle, I'm definitely in the mood to lighten things up in this Letter.

Below you will find an assortment of goods I've personally been finding delight in this early Spring season. I hope they tickle your fancy, too!

Movement practice:
Luminous Flow // DETOX

Musical musings:
Little Moon - Gone Gone Beyond (soft // sensual)
Moon River - Frank Ocean (soulful // nostalgic)
Strength in One - Trevor Hall, Dirtwire (grounded // ecstatic)
Une Nuit Sur Terre - City of the Sun (ethereal // haunting)
Wild Kindness - Cellomano (dark // somber)

Healthful listening:
Elemental Interbeing, Food Information Overwhelm, and Cell Deep Nourishment for Women with Kymber Maulden
Creatine for Women: Health Benefits Beyond Muscle and Athletic Performance with Mike Mutzel

Foraging finds:
Dandelion leaves + flowers
Stinging Nettle
Purple Dead Nettle

Stinging Nettle Pesto
Drunken Kidneys
(my favorite way to eat kidney!)
Succulent Bison Roast

May you delight in the early days of Spring.

APRIL // air

Spring is in the air, and that's exactly what will steer our movement journey this month. Riding on the winds of change, we will connect with the air element of the Spring season. April's holistic movement practice will have us soaring along the wide open spaces of our mats with a specific focus on breath work and mental fitness.

Come fly with me!

join the movement

April's FREE offering:

HAVEN // a spring ritual

It's time to unearth. Cultivate springtime connection through seasonally supportive holistic wellness practices.

Sunday April 24th
9am - 10am PT // 12pm - 1pm ET

We will gather in our virtual HAVEN to cultivate our relationship with the Spring season. We will be guided by the Air element of Spring to explore different forms of breath work, functional movement, and holistic health and lifestyle guidance. This experience will gently soften your hardened Winter body to reveal a vibrant Spring spirit within. 
details + register
Save the date for April's live stream dance party!
Wednesday April 27th

4:30pm - 5pm PT // 7:30pm - 8pm ET

Donation based class!

save your spot
stay luminous
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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © Luminous Architecture 2022, All rights reserved.
