Hello luminous ones,
How are you feeling in your body today?
Take a few moments now to pause.
Check in with your physical body.
Your mental body.
Your energetic body.
Feel your feet meeting the Earth.
Your skull lifting towards the Sky above.
Roll your shoulders down your back.
Soften your jaw.
Breathe deeply into your belly and ribcage.
In through your nose, our through your nose.
Slow down.
Be with your body.
Be in your body.
- - -
Ah, now that's better! Or maybe it's not, and that's okay, too. Maybe those few moments of connecting to your body gave your a greater awareness around some things you'd rather not be aware of - an undercurrent of stress, negative emotions, or aches and pains. Without that awareness, we don't know what it is that our body needs, or how we can tend to those needs.
Our body is constantly communicating with us, with others, with our environment. When we are disassociated from our bodies, we are unaware of these wavelengths of communication. When we are grounded within our bodies, we can tune into some of these wavelengths and perceive the energetic signature we are sending out into the world. We can also more clearly receive signals from other bodies, human and non-human bodies alike.
When we are connected to our bodies, feeling into our physicality and emotions, we are operating from a more authentic place. Authenticity is vulnerable. Lucky for us, vulnerability can be a great strength.
I catch myself daydreaming about what this world would be like if everyone were of healthy and sound body, mind, and spirit. I suppose my biggest life dream is to help more people discover this holistic sense of health for themselves. My dear friend and plant medicine witch, Amy Terepka of Groundwater Healing, and I have been dreaming up an offering centered around communal celebration to honor Lughnasadah (Loo-na-sa), and the reciprocity of plant medicine, healing movement, and ceremony for personal, and collective renewal.
With the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, this offering feels even more crucial to facilitate.
When my heart aches for this world, I turn to my body.
& I turn to the body of this world - the Earth.
I move my body through nature,
I commune with plants,
and I dance for the renewal of this world.