Full Moon No. 40, Summer


welcoming the Water element of the Fall season
“Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it.

George Eliot
Hello there darling,

The transition from Summer to Fall can already be felt in the PNW. Daylight is waning, temperatures are dropping, and an energetic shift is happening across the land.

I feel the magic in the air every year when Summer gives way to Fall. A spell is cast that evokes reflection, a slowing rhythm, and whispers from the Ancestors.

The Fall Equinox is Wednesday, which serves as a significant time in my own life during this turn in the Wheel of the Year. As the sun reaches this quarter point in the sky next week, I will be reaching for the hand of my love as we cross a threshold together.

The seasons turn.
So do the season’s of one’s life.
Take the time to honor these liminal spaces.

explore Virtual Studio
May you welcome Fall, and the change it brings.

Luminous love,

OCTOBER // water

In observance of the Celtic Wheel of the Year, which steers my own journey around the sun each cycle, autumn is associated with the element of water. Fall is a time for reflection as we prepare to move through the darkest time of the year, where we are likely to dance with our demons and face the theme of loss and letting go in some way, even if just by the watching of leaves fall to their death as they blanket the earth.

I will be designing my October classes to support you through this transition into darkness, by working with the Water spirit as our guide. Slow flowing streams, rushing rivers, expansive oceans, still lakes, swampy ponds, a fresh rainfall...the imagery and inspiration are pouring through me with great excitement, and I look forward to paddling along this unfolding Luminous Flow waterway in our communal canoe that is my Virtual Studio.

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Thursday September 30th

4:30pm - 5pm PT // 7:30pm - 8pm ET


Sliding scale $5 - $30

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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
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