New Moon No. 38, Spring


On location filming a Luminous Flow class
When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.

Wilma Rudolph
Hey there!

Can you feel the energy ramping up as we approach the Summer Solstice? Here at the 45th parallel, the sun sets at 8:59pm tonight, so even with a dark sky hanging over me, I can't help but feel, dare I say, luminous?

How are you working with the solar supercharge that's available to tap into this time of the year? It's easy to run wild with the long days, packing in lots of productivity, then realizing it's nearly 9pm and you still haven't started dinner. Anyone else, or is that just me?!

Remember, while it's tempting to burn bright this time of year, pace yourself so you don't burn out by the height of summer. Settle into a slow, steady burn, with intense sparks of fiery heat.

Personally, I'm feeling liberated by placing the final period on the page of one chapter as I set forth to write the next. With the close of my contract with BodyVox came the decision to transition my dance career back to a freelance, project based focus so I can carve out more time and energy to cultivate and grow my body of holistic movement and wellness work through Luminous Architecture. With this newfound freedom comes ecstatic bursts of energy and so many ideas, projects, and to-do lists whirling around, so the reminder to pace yourself is just as much for me as it is for you.

So, things will (slowly) begin to look a little different around here. More on-demand movement offerings are being created, and perhaps most importantly, I'm ready to work with more people in the realms of personalized movement and wellness.

The books are open and I'm accepting new private clients!
By freeing up my schedule, I can now commit myself to supporting 10 more people who are seeking highly customized movement and wellness guidance from yours truly. If you are reading this and feel excited, curious, or maybe even a little nervous about the idea of transforming how you move in this world and feel in your own body, I encourage you to connect with me. I always offer completely free, no strings attached 20 minute video or phone consultations to discuss how we can make magic happen together.

And if someone comes to mind who you think could benefit from my personalized, holistic approach to movement and wellness, forward this email to them and let me know you're referring someone. You land a free private session with me when someone you refer signs up for a session package - it's a pretty sweet referral deal. My private clientele has been built by 95% word of mouth referrals over the years, so a simple share can go a long way for my small business!

So what do you say?
Let's connect Let's connect
Forward to a friend Forward to a friend
May you recharge with warming solar energy and quiet, dark moon sky.

Luminous love,
Look to the sky in Savasana!
Tis' the season for park yoga with NOW Yoga PDX
Meet me in the park for a functional fitness, alignment based flow class!

Sewallcrest Park
Friday's 4:30pm - 5:30pm
register for class
JUNE // Thursday June 24th
Sliding scale $5 - $30


I’m throwing a monthly dance party - think high intensity jazzercise meets dancing around your bedroom. Dance has always been therapeutic for me, and I want to share this movement medicine with you.

This 30 minute cardio movement class combines your own dance moves with guided functional fitness body weight exercises. The playlist changes every month, complete with all the best dance jams. You'll be having so much fun you won't even realize you're working out. Turn up the volume and let’s groove, sweat, and smile together. Open to all levels, leave your inhibitions behind and bring your best dance moves!

join the party
stay luminous
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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2021 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.
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