Full Moon No. 39, Summer


An impromptu dance party to summon sweet summertime while celebrating love & sisterhood
“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.

Welcome to summertime!

The Summer Solstice greeted us with the longest day of the year this past Sunday, and I spent my weekend in sweet sisterhood celebrating my bitchin' witchin' bachelorette party. All fired up from the festivities, I'm excited to light up your inbox with my latest HAVEN offering!


HAVEN // a summer ritual


Wednesday July 7th - 9th

9am - 9:30am PT // 12pm - 12:30pm ET

Radiate your light. Settle into the sweet summertime rhythm with seasonally supportive holistic wellness practices.

As we are warmed by the expansive nature of summertime, it’s important to keep fueling our fire in a way that grants us a slow, sustainable glow.


From Wednesday July 7th through Friday July 9th, we will meet at 9am PT // 12pm ET for 30 minutes to cultivate our relationship with the summer season. This live stream ritual retreat is designed to offer you seasonally supportive wellness practices that you can easily integrate into your life. Each day, we will be guided by the fire element of summer to explore different forms of breath work, functional movement, and holistic health and lifestyle guidance.
This experience will support your brightest expansion through the summer season while teaching you how to navigate, or avoid altogether, that late summer burn out.


spark your fire

Burn bright at the HAVEN.
May you settle into the sweet rhythm of summer.

Luminous love,


Live-stream classes are on summer break,
recorded classes are going on an adventure!


From June through September, I will not be teaching weekly live-stream Luminous Flow classes. I am redirecting my energy towards creating recorded Luminous Flow classes with lovely nature spaces as my studio backdrop.

See where this summer will take us as we move on our mats across varying landscapes.

sign up

Thursday June 24th

4:30pm - 5pm PT // 7:30pm - 8pm ET


Sliding scale $5 - $30

join the party
stay luminous
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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2021 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.

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