Full Moon No. 38, Spring


Walking among wildflowers and old elk tracks
“The eye is the jewel of the body.

Henry David Thoreau
Hello there!

I'm currently limiting my screen time for eye health (more on this below) so expect a short and sweet read to follow.

After years of wanting LASIK surgery to live a life free of contacts and glasses, today is the day! Inspired by my own eye health journey that began this past fall, I want to share a few quick lifestyle tips that are relevant to your eyeballs.

  • For every 20 minutes of close up focusing (screens, books, sewing, etc) give your eyes a couple minutes to regroup by doing a few slow, complete blinks. We blink less often and less fully, as in our eyelids don't always meet completely, when we're staring at screens.
  • Position your computer set up close to a window so you can occasionally look out at varying distances. Look at the furthest point you can bring into focus, allowing the muscles around your eyes to relax from the eye strain associated with frequent, close up focusing.
  • If/when possible, limit your screen time to 3 hours or less a day.
  • Set your devices to a night shift that changes the hue of your screen to more orange/red light from sunset to sunrise - newer iPhone software has this option under Settings > Display & Brightness. You can also use an app like f.lux
  • If you suffer from dry eyes, use a hot compress eye mask nightly before bed. Preservative free eye drops can provide relief as well, but if you actually want to heal the meibomian gland dysfunction that is likely causing your dry eyes, consider PRP eye drops. I've been using PRP eye drops since January and they are no doubt what sealed the deal for healing my dry eye issues, allowing me to be cleared for LASIK! PDX locals - I highly recommend working with Dr. Oltman at Oregon Regenerative Medicine.
May your vision, both physically and metaphorically, be cared for well.

Luminous love,


Live-stream classes are on summer break,
recorded classes are going on an adventure!


From June through September, I will not be teaching weekly live-stream Luminous Flow classes. I will be redirecting my energy towards creating recorded Luminous Flow classes with lovely nature spaces as my studio backdrop.

See where this summer will take us as we move on our mats across varying landscapes.

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Luminous DANCE

Thursday May 27th

4:30pm - 5pm PT // 7:30pm - 8pm ET


Sliding scale $5 - $30

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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2021 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.
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