Full Moon No. 42, Fall


The vantage of cold Elk woods from an old fire lookout in Eastern Oregon
We are showered every day with gifts, but they are not meant for us to keep. Their life is in their movement, the inhale and exhale of our shared breath."

Robin Wall Kimmerer
Hello there!

Thank you for choosing to open this email - I know we've all been bombarded with Black Friday/Cyber Monday/holiday sale emails. I'm grateful you felt like my Lumen Letter was worth opening after quite possibly being burnt out from peering into your inbox to see yet another email prompting you to buy something. 

As a creative type, I personally struggle with the business mindset of marketing and self-promotion. I always seek to speak about my offerings from a place of grounded authenticity rather than gimmicky marketing pitches. I've crafted a gift guide below to share a few ways you can support my small business this gift-giving season, as well as some of my personal favorite gifts to give others.


luminous gift guide

the gift of personalized wellness


Virtual Luminosity gift card

for: someone seeking personalized holistic lifestyle guidance

Virtual Luminosity sessions are a one-on-one virtual experience that allow me to guide you into greater alignment with your luminous architecture, from anywhere in the world!

Committed to sharing just as specialized and integrative of an experience with my clients as they would receive in person with my Integrative Healing sessions, I design each of my Virtual Luminosity sessions by drawing from a wide array of modalities that I have studied, practiced and embodied in my own lifestyle:

  • Lifestyle Design
  • Functional fitness
  • Yoga (vinyasa, restorative, therapeutic)
  • Dance
  • Myofascial release techniques
  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Somatic practices
  • Plant medicine support
  • Nature connection + ancestral pathways
  • Breath work
  • Guided meditation
  • Stress management tools
  • Aromatherapy/essential oils
  • Nutrition + supplement guidance
  • Ritual facilitation

Wherever you are in your movement/health/wellness journey, let's walk along the path towards a brighter sense of well being, together.

healing | movement | lifestyle

I'm offering Virtual Luminosity gift cards at a sliding scale rate - choose the price point that works best for your financial situation. 
align from anywhere

the gift of movement + wellness


Virtual Studio Monthly Membership Gift Card

for: those seeking movement guided by nature's rhythms
I designed my Virtual Studio to present options that complement your personal schedule, preferences, and budget. I offer Luminous Flow, my signature holistic movement class that integrates functional fitness, alignment focused yoga, and restorative movement, once a week via live stream and recorded video. Each month's focus for moving is inspired by the cycle of the year; nature is the muse for this movement practice. The Monthly Membership gives you access to all live stream and recorded classes for the entire month, and unlocks special rates to work one-on-one with me through my Virtual Luminosity sessions.

See what we'll be exploring in December below.

DECEMBER // dark


Embrace the blanket of darkness that wraps itself around this transitory month, delivering us from fall to winter.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we encounter the shortest days and longest nights as we approach the winter solstice. When attuned to the cycles of nature, this place among the wheel of the year coaxes us to slow down, settle inward, and metaphorically embody death as we prepare for the rebirth of the world with the return of the light. The symbolism of darkness, in all its myriad forms, is not something to shy away from or be frightened by, but rather to consciously engage with and even feel a sense of comfort from - here lies the rich terrain our movement practice will traverse in December.

It’s time to dance with the darkness.

gift a monthly membership

the gift of seasonal connection + self-care


Luminous Elixirs

for: sensual lovers of wellness & beauty products

Luminous Elixirs are small batch, handmade seasonal and custom botanical blends that assist you with aligning to the cycles of the seasons. Essence's make great stocking stuffers, and the discounted Essence bundle provides a special way to stay attuned to the seasonal energies throughout the entire cycle of the year.

Give the gift of seasonal connection and self-care that keeps giving all year long.

All Luminous Elixirs products are 10% off through Dec. 1st
Free shipping on orders $35+ always

enter the apothecary

the gift of self-massage


Yoga Tune Up Balls

for: every single body...we all need this

Another great stocking stuffer, Roll Model® Therapy Balls can be easily integrated into anyone's lifestyle. I highly recommend these products! I personally use my Yoga Tune Up balls regularly for myofascial release work, always travel with them, and enjoy guiding others through the beneficial uses of this deeply somatic release work in private sessions and open classes.

shop therapy balls

the gift of thoughtfulness


DIY gift ideas

for: those who appreciate gifts from the heart

Whether you're on a budget, feeling crafty, or just want to create something from your hands and heart to gift others, these are some of my favorite DIY gifts to make and give for the holiday season.

  • Wildcrafted herbal teas
  • Smudge bundles from foraged plants
  • Sourdough gingerbread cookies
  • Bath salt blends
  • Homemade chocolate
  • Herbal salves
  • Medicinal plant tinctures
If you don't have a practice in foraging wild plants, this may be an opportunity to learn something new...or, you can buy herbs and spices in bulk from a trusted source, like Mountain Rose Herbs. Hopefully, this sparks some fun DIY gift ideas of your own.
May you find the gift in that which cannot be bought, but only experienced in wonder this holiday season.

Luminous love,
Stay luminous!
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This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2021 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.
